The Lowdown on Getting a Browlift


Thinking of brow lift surgery? It could do a lot to help you achieve a peaceful, well-rested look!

Foreheads are often one of the first places we see the signs of aging. After all, the forehead is home to many of our most common facial expressions.Think about it: everything from concern to surprise to frustration to concentration involves a lifting or furrowing of the forehead muscles. Even intently listening to a conversation can involve a contraction of brow muscles!

But years of facial expression can take their toll on the brow. Add to that the natural breakdown of collagen and you can wind up with a permanently wrinkled or sagging forehead. And this sagging usually extends to the eyes as well, making them look significantly smaller than they used to.

The most troublesome aspect of this? A wrinkled brow appearance and small eyes are most often associated with negative feelings — like worry, anger, and fatigue. In fact, many of the patients who see us for a brow lift have grown tired of hearing these questions:

“Are you mad?” and “Are you tired?”

We get it. We’d all rather be asked, “Did you just get back from vacation? You look great!”

Well, we can help you get to back to that worry-free, just-back-from-the-Tahiti look.Tightening and lifting the brow can do a lot to restore a well-rested, and relaxed appearance to the face. So if you’re looking to correct a sagging and wrinkled forehead, we can help!

Here’s the lowdown on getting a brow lift:

It’s Usually Performed Alongside an Eyelid Tuck

At The Esthetics Center, we rarely perform a brow lift on its own. We find that combining it with an eyelid tuck gives more natural and effective results. Why? Simply put, when you lift the brow but neglect the eyes — it can draw attention to any remaining droopiness the eyes might show. This, in turn, can make the brow lift look obvious. And our goal is always to create a streamlined, harmonious look. And when your face is in harmony, the results will be effective — without being conspicuous.

It Can Take Years Off Your Appearance

We find that a forehead lift and eyelid tuck can take as many as 20 years off your appearance. And our patients are happy with the natural-looking results. Many people are concerned that a brow lift will give them that infamous “surprised” look. But at The Esthetics Center, you don’t have to worry about that. We approach a brow lift by lifting corners of the brows, so you look well-rested… not surprised.

Scarring is Minimal

A brow lift involves a series of tiny incisions made behind the hairline. This means that you won’t have to worry about any pesky scars standing out after your recovery.

It’s Important to Time Your Recovery

Planning to spend a lot of time poolside this summer? Schedule your brow lift around it. It’s important to avoid excessive heat and sun exposure for about 3-4 months after a brow lift.

As far as general recovery time, most people return to work within 2 weeks.

Of course we’ll go over all the details with you — when you can resume vigorous exercise, what to expect as far as swelling, and how to address any discomfort post-surgery.

Un-furrow That Forehead

Ready to smooth and lift your brow? We’ve got you covered. Give us a call today and we’ll help you get on the road to a stress-free, relaxed look.

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