
Pre-Care Instructions

IPL Photofacial

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Say goodbye to skin discoloration, and hello to clear, even skin tone! Your IPL Photofacial is coming up and we are excited to treat you. Before you come in for your appointment, please follow this list of guidelines to ensure optimal results. Remember, you may experience bruising, redness, and swelling for a few days post-treatment, so plan your social calendar accordingly.
IPL Photofacial
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pre treatment
3 treatments are better than 1
On average, 3 total treatments are needed to achieve the best results.
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pre treatment
No antibiotics
No antibiotic use 2 months before treatment.
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4 weeks prior
Stop tanning
Cease sun exposure, tanning beds, and artificial tans 4 weeks prior to treatment.
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2 weeks prior
Stop using Harsh skin chemicals
Discontinue harsh chemicals, depilatories, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringent, 2 weeks before treatment and 4 weeks after treatment.
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7 days prior
Drink Water
The week before treatment, drink plenty of water.
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7 days prior
Eat Healthy
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, avoid extreme diets and alcohol.
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for 7 days after
No Exfoliants or retinol products
Do not use any retinol products or exfoliants on the area to be treated for one week.
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3 days prior
No doxycycline and minocycline
Photosensitizing medications, including doxycycline and minocycline, should be discontinued three days before the treatment.
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pre treatment
set realistic expectations
Talk with your treatment provider to make sure you are a good candidate and set realistic expectations.
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for 3 days after
Anticipate Social Down-time
Anticipate a social “down-time” of 2-5 days before any redness and swelling.
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Pre Surgery
Med Log

day(s) prior
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POST CARE Supplies

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Wear Clean Clothes After Your Shower
Make sure you have clean clothes, sheets and pillowcases after your shower.
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Do not apply lotions
Do not apply lotions, powders, or perfumes to your skin after your pre-surgical bathing.
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Remove false eyelashes
Remove false eyelashes.
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Remove any body piercings
Remove any body piercings if they are in the mouth, face, or belly button
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Don't Shave
Do not shave any body hair in the planned surgery area.
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Exfoliate Skin with Washcloth
Use a washcloth to exfoliate the skin while using Hibiclens/CHG products.
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Clean under fingernails
Clean under fingernails with Hibiclens/CHG products. It is preferable to not wear any nail polish, however light-colored nail polish is allowable.
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Avoid Your Eyes
When washing your face, be careful to avoid your eyes; Hibiclens/CHG products will sting your eyes. If you get it in your eyes, flush thoroughly with water.
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Wash your Hair
Wash your hair with Hibiclens/CHG products.
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Wash your entire body
Wash your entire body.
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No baths
Shower instead of taking a bath.
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Use Hibiclens antiseptic skin cleanser.
Use the provided bottle of Hibiclens antiseptic skin cleanser. Hibiclens /CHG does not lather like soap. Hibiclens /CHG Products continue to kill germs even after you rinse with water.
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Wash Garments While Showering
It is recommended to throw garments in the washing machine while showering. Use a mild detergent, and do not place the garment in a heated dryer. You may use towels and/or a hairdryer to dry the garment as best as you can, though it is unlikely to become completely dry. Expect the garment to stay damp for a few hours afterward. Reapply the garment as timely as you can after your shower.
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Cover with New Gauze Pads
Cover with new gauze pads. Timely reapply outer garment, wearing at all other times.
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After Showering, apply Aquaphor
After showering, apply Aquaphor or Petrolatum to all exposed incision sites.
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Shower Normal
Shower as you normally would.
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Sit While Removing your Outer Garment
During your first shower, you will remove your outer garment. Because you can faint, make sure to be sitting while removing the garment. Ensure that you are sitting on an absorbent pad.
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Start Showering 48 hours after Surgery
Your first shower will be 48 hours after surgery.