10 Things To Know If You're Considering Dermal Filler


Have you seen before-and-after photos for dermal fillers, and now you’re curious? 

If that’s you, you’re in good company; more than ONE MILLION men and women choose this popular cosmetic treatment every year. 

But maybe you aren't sure where to begin. Perhaps you need more information to help you decide whether this treatment is right for you. We want you to be well informed, so we’re going to let you in on the 10 things you need to know about dermal fillers:

1) Dermal fillers and BOTOX are different:

First and foremost, dermal fillers AREN'T the same treatment as BOTOX and Dysport. 

I know what you might be thinking—don't they both make you look younger? Yes, they do. 

However, there are key differences between these injectable treatments. 

Wrinkle relaxers like Botox and Dysport act to relax muscles that cause lines and wrinkles on the face. Dermal fillers work to add volume to the face. They can be used to fill in a fold, crease, and wrinkle to give a smoother, fuller, refreshed, and more youthful appearance. There is a range of filler products, each optimized for a different result and area of the face, like lip enhancement, cheek and jawline rejuvenation, or chin augmentation.

BOTOX and filler are also made of different naturally-occurring ingredients. BOTOX is a botulinum toxin, whereas most dermal fillers are made of Hyaluronic acid (HA).

2) Hyaluronic acid is one of the keys to youthful skin:

Popular fillers like Juvéderm, Restylane, and Revanesse are made of Hyaluronic acid (HA), the not-so-secret ingredient to youthful-looking skin. HA is a naturally-occurring substance in our body that helps retain moisture in the skin and to keep it looking smooth and plump. 

Sadly, HA diminishes over time, causing deepening folds, sagging cheeks, and deflating lips—the signs of aging. These symptoms lead many people to look for solutions. That’s where dermal fillers come in; they can give you back that supple, full, smooth appearance of youth by replacing the loss of hyaluronic acid. It can also add volume in areas lacking natural fullness to balance the face.

3) The best injectable is undetectable:

Many first-time patients come to us concerned that filler will change their overall appearance too drastically, make them look “overfilled,” or that people will be able to quickly spot that they had "work" done. Many people have a negative connotation with dermal filler, but that’s because they’ve seen unnatural results on others. But that “overfilled” look is a result of poor work from an injector or an unhealthy relationship with cosmetic procedures. The dreaded "trout pout" and "duck lips" don't have to be your reality and, frankly, shouldn't be.

Natural. Not Overdone. These are words our patients use to describe their filler experience. Our team prides itself on providing the most natural-looking results that enhance your best features. The changes we make are noticeable, but it won't have people asking, "where did you get your filler?" Remember, properly done filler is undetectable to the general public.

4) Who injects your filler matters:  

Getting cosmetic treatments isn't the same as getting your hair cut or nails done. 

While someone can give you funky-looking bangs or choose a questionable nail polish color, undergoing an esthetic procedure by an untrained or poorly-trained practitioner can cause way more trouble than it's worth. You may end up paying much more to remove the filler than you could ever save by finding the cheapest injector in town. 

Esthetic injection requires thorough knowledge of facial anatomy and mastery of technique. This mastery can only be achieved through dedication to education and years of experience. But esthetic injection isn't just science, it's also art, so you want to find an artist whose work you like. When selecting a practitioner, be sure to look at their credentials and where they have been trained. But, we also recommend taking a look at their before-and-after photos. These photos show a practitioner's skill, artistic sense, experience, and what to expect from your own procedure.

5) If you don't like your filler, you aren't stuck with it:

One of the most common questions patients ask before a filler appointment is, "If I try a dermal filler and don't like the result, is there anything I can do about it?" The answer is yes.

If you aren't satisfied or happy with the final results, there's no need to worry. HA fillers are not permanent; they are always reversible. Dermal fillers made from Hyaluronic acid can be dissolved with the injection of an enzyme called hyaluronidase. The effects kick in quickly—around 24-48 hours later. 

Not to brag, but we’re happy to report that hyaluronidase injection is rare in our office.

6) How long fillers last varies:

HA filler results typically last for at least six months, but it varies. A few factors impact how long dermal filler lasts, primarily which filler product is used and the location of injection. The filler will be broken down quicker in areas of high mobility, such as the lips. 

While most HA fillers last about six months, some filler products can be expected to last longer. At the top end of the spectrum, Juvéderm Voluma, which is a little less fluid and more gel-like, can be expected to last up to two years! Bellafill is one of the longest-lasting fillers on the market, with results lasting at least five years. 

Over time, the body naturally breaks down Hyaluronic acid fillers, so plan on touch-ups once a year to maintain your desired look. On the other hand, if you’re just trying out filler, it can be comforting to know the effects will fade away without any long-term risks.

7) Not everyone is a good candidate for filler:

Though fillers are considered safe for most people, there are a few reasons to postpone treatment. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, it's best to hold off on filler. It’s also best to wait if you're battling an active infection, as any infection, especially in the facial area, could spread to the injection site. In addition, if you've scheduled your filler appointment, avoid any dental procedures for two weeks before or after injection (yes, this includes a cleaning). This is because dental work temporarily pushes bacteria into the bloodstream and has been shown to increase the chance of having bumps, nodules, or other inflammatory reactions in the filler.

8) Dermal fillers are versatile:

Dermal fillers are quickly becoming one of the most popular cosmetic treatments and for good reason. Not only is there a wide range of products, but did you know there are at least nine common areas on your face that can be treated with dermal fillers? These popular areas are the temples, cheeks, marionette lines, jawline, under eyes, lips, smile lines, chin, and nose. Whether you want to get that perfectly kissable pout or a jawline that looks like it was chiseled from marble, each product can be utilized to create a balanced, sculpted, and natural look to reach your specific esthetic goals.

9) The cost of filler depends on the treatment area and your personal goals:

It is impossible to place a single number on the cost of dermal fillers because every person's goal varies, which impacts how we treat them. Therefore, fillers are subject to a considerable amount of cost variation. The product used, the location of the product placement, and how much product is needed to achieve your goals all affect the cost of your dermal filler experience. However, we can tell you that dermal fillers are priced per syringe. 

10) Pain is mild:

Don't let the fear of needles keep you from looking and feeling your best. We know it might come as a surprise, but the pain from dermal filler injections is not a major complaint. All of our patients do very well with injections. Still, we have a few tricks up our sleeve to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the whole procedure if the injection pain is your primary concern. For example, topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area before injection. Secondly, many of the products contain lidocaine, which means you get more comfortable as the treatment progresses. We also offer Pronox (nitrous oxide or "laughing gas"), which can happily help patients deal with procedure-related pain and anxiety.

We hope this guide armed you with the information you need to decide whether it’s your time to try dermal filler.
If you’re ready to look fresher and younger, or if you’re just ready for a bit of enhancement, book a free consultation online at https://estheticscenter.zenoti.com/webstoreNew/services/949140b2-b561-428d-8cf2-1a0a3e5f75ac 
If you found this information helpful but still have a few questions, call us at (916) 941-9400. We love educating and informing!
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