Eyelid Surgery: Two Weeks To A Younger-Looking You


One of the places we show our aging first is around our eyes.  If you want to address your aging concerns and you don’t know where to begin, we advise starting with the eyes. The familiar saying “eyes are the window to the soul!” is so true. When you meet someone new, that’s probably the first thing you notice about them. Eyelid surgery will rejuvenate and enhance your eyes and truly set back the clock. An eyelid lift is also one of the easiest, safe, and effective procedures available today.  

Eyelid Surgery Is The Most Popular

Blepharoplasty is the most popular type of cosmetic and functional surgery to correct hooded, sagging, bulging and tired-looking eyes on the lower and upper eyelids. Therefore, you get the best value focusing on your eyes FIRST.

Eyelid Surgery Can Make You Look Younger

Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with our aging reflections. Panic sets in. As we age, skin loses its elasticity. This, combined with the constant pull of gravity on our bodies, can often result in excess skin collecting on the upper and lower eyelids. In addition to excess skin, our faces are prone to fat bulging from behind our eyelids, as the thin membranes that hold the fat weaken with age. Eyelid surgery is the best surgical procedure for patients who are looking for a refreshed and youthful appearance. Typically, our patients look a decade younger after a blepharoplasty.

Eyelid Surgery Helps With Vision

For some people, a blepharoplasty goes beyond cosmetic concerns. While this surgery helps with feeling more confident, it can also help our patients to see better. When your skin sags around your eyes, your vision becomes affected. This surgery is an effective way to improve the vision of patients whose sagging eyelids may be blocking part of their line of sight.

Surgery Details

When it comes to improving your appearance, and capturing a more youthful look, a Blepharoplasty is perhaps the best bang for your buck. Whether you want to improve your appearance or are experiencing functional problems with your eyelids, eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the area surrounding your eyes.

Upper: An Upper Blepharoplasty addresses aging concerns by removing excess skin through an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid. Taking a little fullness of the upper eyelid skin away and eliminating puffiness will help your eyes look less tired and have an overall open, rounded appearance.

Lower: A Lower Blepharoplasty is done to reduce lower eyelid wrinkles, skin redundancy, and fat bulges.


Eyelid surgery can drastically change your appearance with little downtime. You will have mild pain, swelling, and bruising after eyelid surgery. Pain and blurriness may subside within a few days.

Here are some other sensations that may occur after surgery:

  • Itching
  • Eyelid tightness
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light and wind

These side effects are completely normal and will typically fade away in one to three weeks.

You can improve the outlook of your life with one simple procedure. A Blepharoplasty will change the way you see yourself in the mirror. Besides looking and feeling younger, it gives YOU more confidence. Want to learn more about eyelid surgery? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Reginald Rice today to find out if you are the right candidate.

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