The Complete Guide to Laser Season! 5 Lasers You Need to Try This Fall & Winter


🎉🥳 Laser season is upon us!! 🎉🥳

A little too dramatic?

Maybe, but we love this time of year at Esthetics Center.

Come fall, we get just as excited about lasers as we do about cooler weather and bright-colored leaves.

And not to be too pushy or anything, but we need you to be just as excited about laser season as we are.

That’s because lasers get dramatic, proven results!

Consider laser season the time of year to rejuvenate your skin and make big moves towards your dream skin. With lasers, we can: 

  • Say bye-bye to summer damage
  • Take more aggressive anti-aging steps
  • Rapidly improve skin concerns 


Lasers come in all shapes and sizes, so to speak. They all work differently and can treat an extensive range of skin insecurities. 

Here are some of the top skin concerns lasers can treat:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation, such as acne scarring and sun spots
  • Volume loss
  • Deep folds
  • Pitted scars
  • Broken capillaries
  • Unwanted hair
  • Dull skin
  • Spider veins
  • Crepey skin
  • Dead skin
  • Rosacea
  • Textured skin
  • Enlarged pores


So why are autumn and winter considered laser season? The sun has a lot to do with it. 

Many lasers photosensitize your skin, meaning that they make your skin more sensitive to UV rays. This can potentially lead to increased sun damage and more frequent burns.

We know there’s no way to ask you to hide away indoors during the warm months, so instead, we recommend that you delay laser treatments to the colder months when there are reduced daylight hours and people naturally stay indoors more.

Another reason for recommending lasers in the autumn and winter is that most lasers can’t be used on skin with high melanin content. And do you know when your skin has a whopping amount of melanin?

When you’re sporting a tan.

Although you can technically have a tan any time of the year, it’s more likely in the summer. Once your tan has faded, we can laser away all of its leftover damage.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, we can dig into the fun stuff—the lasers themselves! ⚡️⚡️

Here is your complete guide to the lasers you need to take advantage of during the fall and winter months. Happy laser picking!


IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. The IPL Photofacial uses different wavelengths of light energy to target discoloration in the skin. It treats the unwanted browns and reds in skin: sun spots, spider veins, rosacea, broken capillaries, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It also provides moderate anti-aging benefits by boosting collagen. The light energy that breaks up unwanted pigment also heats up the lower layers of the skin, triggering your skin’s natural collagen production.

IDEAL FOR: The IPL Photofacial is the perfect laser for the person primarily focused on treating blotchy, uneven skin tone. This person wants to reclaim smooth, even skin on their face, neck, chest, and the backs of their hands. After IPL, they’ll enjoy even, glowing, and plump skin.

The ideal IPL patient falls between Type 1 and Type 3 on the Fitzpatrick Scale. We’ve created a graph (see below) so that you can determine what number you are on the scale. Types 4-6 don’t make the perfect IPL candidate because this procedure heats up the skin. Heating the skin risks a burn for Types 4-6. 

The six Fitzpatrick skin types

If you can’t decide which Fitzpatrick type you are or whether IPL is the best treatment for your skin, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation with one of our Registered Nurses.


Pico Laser Resurfacing treats and prevents premature aging by improving sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, and collagen and elastin levels. It also treats melasma, enlarged pores, and scars for a fresher complexion. 

The Pico laser sends ultra-short pulses of photo-acoustic sound waves into the skin. These sound waves shatter pigment buildup and trigger your body’s natural collagen and elastin production.

IDEAL FOR: This is the perfect laser for ANYONE who wants to completely revamp their skin but doesn’t have time for healing. Pico Laser Resurfacing is one of the very few lasers on the market suitable for all skin types because it uses sound waves rather than heat. 

It also doesn’t create the damage that other resurfacing lasers do to the skin’s surface. As a result, there is little to recover from, and you can wear makeup to disguise any lingering redness post-treatment. Because of this, it’s an excellent option for busy patients who need to be able to get right back to their usual activities and routine.


Erbium is a fully ablative resurfacing laser, which means that it removes all of the old, damaged skin cells in the treatment area. Doing so makes room for healthy, new cells to grow in their place. This form of extensive resurfacing is very effective at treating stubborn conditions like fine lines and wrinkles, crepey skin, and sun spots.

IDEAL FOR: Erbium is ideal for more extensive skin resurfacing. It can treat all the key areas that show age and damage—the face, neck, chest, and back of the hands—to give you an overall youthful appearance. Erbium is the choice for more advanced sun damage and patients who need more aggressive anti-aging precautions. Because it is fully ablative, it really ramps up your collagen and elastin production. 


FRAX Laser Resurfacing treats fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, sun spots, crepey skin, enlarged pores, scars, and volume loss by removing 25-40% of skin cells in the treatment area. Removing damaged skin allows you to enjoy the fresh, untouched skin that awaits below. As a result, you’ll enjoy clearer, brighter skin that’s smooth and even. FRAX also triggers collagen production, resulting in plump skin and a youthful appearance.

IDEAL FOR: Do you want to take an aggressive stance against sun spots and signs of aging, but you can’t take the time off that a fully-ablative laser requires? If you would rather space out the resurfacing process and healing time, FRAX is your laser. It is a less ablative option for resurfacing the skin on your face, neck, and chest. It removes 25-40% of skin cells rather than 100%, so there is far less damage to the skin, and therefore, far less recovery time post-treatment. 


Now that your skin isn’t sporting a perpetual tan, it’s time to start your hair-free journey with Laser Hair Removal (LHR). Starting as early in the season as possible guarantees you’re ready to hit the pool at the drop of a hat come spring and summer. LHR successfully eliminates unwanted hair by targeting the pigment, or color, in each strand of hair and zapping it with laser energy, ultimately destroying the hair follicle so that it cannot grow back. You can eliminate hair in the arms, legs, face, bikini and Brazilian area, underarms, and back.

IDEAL FOR: EVERYONE! Once upon a time, Laser Hair Removal was only safe for Fitzpatrick Scale Types 1-3. Today, we can offer Laser Hair Removal to all skin tones! If you’re tired of shaving, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, or the awkwardness of growing your hair out between wax appointments, you need to sign up for laser hair removal this fall and winter.  

Now that we’ve gone through the lasers available to you, what will you take advantage of this laser season?

Don’t miss out on our free consultations for lasers this month. 

Book with any of our skilled medical staff, and they’ll assess your skin, discuss your cosmetic goals, and help you decide on the best laser to get you to your dream skin. 

Call (916) 941-9400 or visit 

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